July 22, Morning Meeting
Please fill out the survey if you have not already filled it out. We need input especially from the students.
Masks are available on the main floor lobby on your way out. Please pick up masks if you or someone you are traveling with is feeling sick.
Nasal congestion pills (phenylephrine) are available at the registration table at SFC. This is for those that are sick and flying and would help with the pressure in the cabin.
Parking lot E24 next to Bousfield hall is available today. Be aware it is metered.
We are so thankful that you paid the price of your time, money, energy and much inconvenience to join us for this week.
We hope that you can personally thank all of the serving ones who have poured out in so many ways to make this training happen. Serving ones, we have some leftover magnets that you can take with you as a small token to remember your service with us this past week.
We also hope you can thank the brothers and sisters from your home area who supported you to be here through finances and prayers.
Consider preparing something specific to share with them in your Lord’s day meeting tomorrow.
Share something on social media regarding your experience this week and make sure you tag #NACT2023.
Remember that you must check out of your rooms by 1pm, dropping your keys off at the PAR front desk or the bins in SDRP depending on where your dorm is.
We would like to dismiss first all saints who have early flights to catch or special travel situations that require an immediate exit.
July 21, Evening Meeting
If you have a cough or sore throat, we recommend that you continue to wear a mask; you can get one from the first aid office and also in your dorms.
Please be reminded that the training does not end tonight. We need to keep the lights out time and not go into town. Let’s keep our consecration agreement to this training.
Continue to get together with a few rooms on your floor and consult the recommendations on the app for how to spend your time together tonight.
Pile linens (towels, sheets, pillows etc) in the rooms. We don’t need to collect it.
There will not be luggage storage at State Farm Center. You can leave your luggage in your room or vehicles until you check-out.
There is a pack & load time built into the schedule tomorrow.
Make sure you take out all your belongings from your room before you check out.
Check out at PAR: drop off your key at the PAR front desk between 8am - 1pm. Place your Key in the designated bin marked for your hall.
Check out at IKE: drop off your key between 8:00-1:00 at a table to the right of the SDRP front desk in the lobby.
You will be charged $50 if you do not return your key. You do not need to return your swipe card. You can keep it or throw it away after you leave.
Tomorrow morning we will alternate between personal morning revival, breakfast, or pack/load. There is still a video prepared for morning revival but we will not watch it in groups. Try to find a time to watch it yourself.
For those who need to leave the meeting early tomorrow, please sit in the upper deck. We will first dismiss those who need to leave right away from SFC tomorrow after the meeting.
E24 Parking lot next to Bousfield hall is available starting Saturday .
Lunch will be available only at SDRP until 1pm (use your swipe card). PAR dining hall will be closed. They will have an option to take a deli lunch box for up to 500 people. We hope this can be reserved for those who really need it. The menu is below:
Assorted Deli Meats and Cheeses
Composed Salad
Desserts; bar or cookie
Hand Fruit
Beverage (soda, juice, milk, coffee)
Please remain seated and take this short anonymous survey. You can access it in the app.
While everyone is taking their survey, the saints from Europe should come down to the floor section for a picture.
After you have taken the survey and after the saints from Europe have made it to the floor, we have a small reward for STUDENTS that cumulatively scored 70% or higher on the tests during the small group times. Please look at the homepage of the app, find your group name and look for your initials if you qualify for the reward. They will be placed on tables as you walk out. We are doing the honor system so please only take one if you’re on the list.
Return to your dorms for a snack.
July 21, Morning Meeting
Please observe the rest time again. Cease from your recreation at your designated time so you can get adequate rest and prevent any spread of sickness among us.
We have much burden for all of those who came to this training as a recent graduate from college, as a current graduate student, or as one who has been working for only a few years. We encourage you to plan to attend a special fellowship this Friday, 1:30-3pm at the ARC, room MP6.
We will again reserve the lower section of this stadium for the blue cohort in tonight’s meeting. Please arrive at your seat by 7:20pm or your seat will be given to other cohorts.
We will not have an official singing time during the afternoon today. But we still encourage you to gather spontaneously to sing together!
We have limited NACT items for sale (t-shirts are sold out). They will be sold first come first serve at Bousfield 1045 and at the PAR registration area at 2pm. Only one item per person.
Reminder that cohorts at both SDRP and PAR can now be allowed to arrive to lunch 15 minutes before your original scheduled time.
Living Stream Ministry will continue to have their table out before/after the meals this afternoon and evening. Please stop by to say hi, pick up a bookmark, and fellowship.
FTTA will be handing out an information card to everyone that you can pick up as you head out
FTTA will have a table in both SDRP and PAR. Please stop by to ask questions, get more info, and find out how you can prepare to come to FTTA.
Although the deadline to apply for the coming fall term of FTTA has officially passed, there is now a very special allowance for anyone here at the college training to still apply within the next week. Please seek fellowship with your serving ones about this if you feel the Lord is calling you.
July 20, Morning Meeting
Please observe the rest time again. Cease from your recreation at your designated time so you can get adequate rest and prevent any spread of sickness among us.
We have limited NACT bottles and shirts for sale. They will be sold first come first serve at PAR and Bousfield at 2pm. Only one item per person.
Baptisms will be 1:30-2 at PAR. Come in clothes that you will be baptized in. Bring your towel. We will bring extra towels that you can use for later on. If you have asked someone to baptize you, they should also come similarly prepared.
Cohorts at both SDRP and FAR can now be allowed to arrive to lunch at these times:
Rose 11:45
Black 12:15
Blue 12:45
Living Stream Ministry will have their table out before/after the meals this afternoon and evening.
Please stop by to obtain many different free items including a ministry booklet, more bookmarks and stickers. Take some both for yourselves and for others whom you would like to give these to. This includes serving ones.
Also, come by just for fellowship or with any questions about their publications.
July 19, Evening Meeting
We will again reserve the lower section of this stadium for the blue cohort in tomorrow morning’s meeting. Please arrive at your seat by 9:20am or your seat will be given to other cohorts.
Please get to your rooms and have the lights out by 11pm. Let’s take care of our rest and one another’s rest. This will also help mitigate the further spread of any sickness.
We have much burden for all of those who came to this training as a recent graduate from college, as a current graduate student, or as one who has been working for only a few years. We encourage you to plan to attend a special fellowship this Friday, 1:30-3pm at the ARC, room MP6.
We will have the opportunity for anyone to be baptized, 1:30-2:00pm, tomorrow (Thursday) at PAR outside.
Please fellowship with a serving one in your group or from your home area if you are considering taking this step.
If in the fellowship you confirm that it is the Lord’s leading for you to be baptized, please come in clothes that you can get wet in and also bring as a towel. You may want to ask a few who know you ahead of time to come and support you!
Continue to get together with a few rooms on your floor and consult the recommendations on the app for how to spend your time together tonight.
Return to your dorms for a snack. The brothers from Wassaja should get their snack from Bousfield and return back to your dorm.
July 19, Morning Meeting
Junior students can go to ARC for the indoor recreation time today. Please remember, the weights in the gym are off limits for us.
Room MP6 in the ARC continues to be open for anyone who wants to come together and sing.
If you have a cough or sore throat, we recommend that you would wear a mask; you can get one from the first aid office and also in your dorms.
Wash hands often and thoroughly, especially before eating and after using the bathroom. People are getting sick!! There should be bars of soap or soap dispensers in the bathrooms. If you need one, please talk to registration.
Every cohort needs to honor the afternoon schedule. Rest means you are either washing up or in your dorm room quiet and horizontal.
2:20pm Rose Cohort should be heading to dorms
2:50pm Black Cohort should be heading to dorms
3:20pm Blue Cohort should be heading to dorms
Please be in your dorm by the time of your scheduled rest time. We are at the midway point and it would be very good for all of us to get some rest.
July 18, Evening Meeting
Rose and Black cohorts need to leave the dining area as soon as they finish their meals, so that the next cohort can come in on time.
Close and then re-open the app if you are having trouble viewing a video or group time instructions.
We have an opportunity for anyone to get baptized this Thursday, 1:30-2:00pm at PAR outside. Please fellowship with a serving one in your group or from your home area if you are considering taking this step.
Please be mindful of vehicle traffic and please do not jaywalk. If some cars need to get by, please let them through.
July 18, Morning Meeting
We encourage you to meet new people during meal times.
All those eating in the SDRP dining room should place silverware in the white bins and stack plates on a tray in the dirty dishes conveyor line.
Please do not record the speaking of the meetings. In general try to limit your use of social media this week to focus on the training. There are serving ones with yellow badges who are recording the meetings for us all.
Serving ones: if you need any help in your small groups, you can come to SDRP 2025A to get some fellowship, 2-3pm.
Freshmen and sophomore sisters can use the indoor gym at the ARC today.
Exercise brotherly love - don’t get overly physical. Every cohort needs to cease recreation at their designated time.
Bring water to recreation
Please cease to recreate at your designated cohort time in order to care for the cohorts on a later schedule.
Keep in mind that some cohorts are resting in the afternoon while other cohorts are gathering for your group times.
We recommend reading Romans 1-2 for the first part of your Bible reading today. Rose cohort, we give you special encouragement to not miss your Bible reading time!
Please follow the directions of the parking and traffic flow brothers with yellow vest and only cross at the traffic lights for your safety
You will not be admitted tonight to the meeting if you do not have your badge, and no on-site replacements will be available.
We will reserve the lower seating for the 900 in the blue cohort. You must arrive at your seats by 7:20pm. After that, we will give your seats to others.
July 17, Evening Meeting
Remember this is not the same as the afternoon group. Your instructions for this will be posted in the app. You don’t have to follow the instructions exactly if the Spirit leads differently, but they are there to help you.
Please do not walk through the parking lots. This is for your safety and to care for others who are using the parking lot.
Everyone should have received a clear bag tonight and needs to use it every time they come through the metal detectors at security. All objects (including cell phones, keys, large metal watches/jewelry) that will trigger the metal detector needs to go inside the clear bag. At security drop the bag in the basket, quickly walk through the metal detector, pick up your clear bag with your belongings and regroup down the hallway.
Please use the bathroom before entering the stadium or finding any seats.
Only come in once you have used the bathroom and refilled your water bottle, regroup together with your companions and then come find your seats and stay until the end. Please don’t drop of your bags at the seats and then exit to use the bathroom and come back.
No saving seats.
Continue to endeavor to move through the meal lines at a good pace. For instance, instead of taking 3 small scoops of veggies, take one large scoop. This will be a big help to everyone.
There is a daily test in the small groups, serving ones please input scores!!
We changed the directions for tonight’s evening room fellowship and did not get a chance to translate it into Spanish. Spanish speaking rooms tonight should disregard what will be in the app and instead do the following: Share what you were touched with from tonight's message. Were there any verses that stood out to you?
Return to your dorms for a snack. The brothers from Wassaja should get their snack from Bousfield.
July 17, Morning Meeting
Please only walk on the sidewalks, cross at lights, and don’t cut through parking lots.
Do not ride on trunks of cars and be courteous to all other drivers and pedestrians.
It will reduce traffic congestion if drivers park in the southeast and northeast parking lots, rather than the northwest parking lots.
If you park in any other lots besides F23, E14, and the State Farm Center, you are subject to towing or tickets.
Any groups with any students less than 18 years old must gather for your morning and afternoon times in any place other than dorm rooms. Floor lounges and any of the open meeting rooms upstairs at SDRP, etc should be reserved mainly for groups with those less than 18 in them.
The morning small group revival and afternoon small group fellowship are with your named groups. The evening room fellowship is not the same and can be done spontaneously with different rooms on your floor.
Serving ones, please check your email for instructions for recording daily quiz scores for your group.
There are two main entrances to the SDRP dining room. Try to use both entrances.
Have your meal card ready. If you lose it, visit Nugent if you are in IKE or visit the PAR front desk if your dorm is there.
Move through lines quickly. All food lines are the same.
We are working with the staff to smooth out the meal times.
Your options for recreation today:
We have an indoor gym for our usage, not weights and machines, just a gymnasium. Each day a group of us will have access to that. You must bring your badge to get in! Today, freshmen/sophomore brothers today are encouraged to go to the ARC gymnasium, especially 1:30-2:30pm for some enjoyable activities together. Tomorrow other groups of people will have access
Consult the App: Campus Maps->Recreation Map. Equipment check out locations are part of this map!
Anyone is welcome to join for spontaneous singing at the ARC, room MPR 6, 1-3pm.
Appointments – sign up via the app.
Please take time to be quiet, wash up, and rest during your designated rest time.
You will be charged $50 for any lost room keys. Please do not lose them!
The rose cohort should meet together at their small group location at 5:45pm to begin their Bible reading together.
July 16, Evening Meeting
You will NOT be allowed to bring any liquids/water into the State Farm Center (SFC), including dispensers and plastic water bottles.
There are several opportunities for one-on-one appointments for shepherding this week:
General appointments by dorm area: Open to both brothers and sisters to fellowship with an older brother about any matter that is important to you. Serving ones are welcome to also sign-up, but please wait until Tuesday so that students get first choice.
Sisters-only appointments: Open to sisters who would like to fellowship with another older sister.
Spanish-speaking appointments: Open to saints who are more comfortable fellowshipping in Spanish. Please note that both brothers and sisters are welcome to sign-up, but only brothers will be giving the appointment – there are no appointments with Spanish-speaking shepherding sisters.
You can sign-up for all these appointments on the app.
Mental health appointments:
These appointments are available if you have a question or concern specifically related to mental health.
Mental health shepherding appointments open for serving ones on Monday. See the Google Forms on the app (Ben C)
You can also sign-up for these appointments on the app
Only sign-up for an appointment slot during your scheduled recreation time – do not miss another scheduled training activity (e.g. Bible reading, group time, etc.).